Let's face it; weddings are hard work. Beautiful and unforgettable, sure, but also quite nerve-wracking at times. In order for the whole day to end up being just perfect, there's a great amount of preparation involved. And while everyone is well aware that planning for the wedding reception is crucial, many couples fail to consider that their responsibilities don't end the moment they say ''I do''. In fact, there are as many things to do after the ceremony as there are those to do before it! And we bet you had absolutely no clue about that! To make sure you are fully caught up on everything that must be done, we've made it our business to create the ultimate post-wedding checklist. Having read it, you'll be 100% ready not only for your reception but for what comes after it, too!
The one and only post-wedding checklist you desperately need
Getting your affairs in order post-wedding ceremony is essential. May this checklist guide you through everything you mustn't forget to do!
Handwrite the thank you notes
We bet your wedding will turn out quite magical, in major part thanks to people about to attend it. So how about you properly thank them for making your day by handwriting heartfelt ''thank you'' notes following the ceremony? Yes, we live in a digital age where sending emails or messages is a hundred times easier. Still, there's a certain charm in going ''old school'' about this.
Remember to send hand-written thank you notes to everyone who sent a gift or made your day special.
Pay and tip the vendors
People hire wedding vendors for a reason - to make their special day all the more special. Since these people are going to be working quite hard to make your wedding dreams come true, it's super important to pay them, as well as tip them in a timely manner. Once the reception ends, check not once but twice to make sure all of the payments have cleared. As far as tipping goes, it is totally up to you to decide on the amount to give.
Change your address
Most couples these days start living together months before the actual reception. However, those who opt to wait to move in with their significant other after the ceremony have one important thing to cross off their ''to do'' list - the address change. All of your documents must be updated to include your new address, so make sure you file that paperwork as soon as possible! We also trust you want a simple process when it comes to moving in with your new spouse. Discuss your future living arrangements in length, and do it early on, so that, when the time comes to finally begin your life together, you'll be absolutely ready!
Change your name
Both on your official documents and on your social media! Of course, nobody said either of you is obligated to take the last name of the other. You should only do it if you feel like it's the right thing to do, in which case, why not let the whole world know just how proud you are to carry the name of your soulmate?
Review your vendors
As a part of your post-wedding checklist, it's incredibly important to positively review your vendors, if you believe they've done a good job. Leave a review online highlighting what exactly they've helped you with for others to see. We bet both the vendors and the couples looking at their services will appreciate your honest feedback.
Your team of wedding professionals works hard to make your day perfect. They will appreciate a positive review of their services or products.
Photo by NeONBRAND via Unsplash.
Go through the gifts
You'll undoubtedly receive a plethora of gifts and money at your wedding. It's advised you go through them shortly after the ceremony to determine what it is you truly need and what you are better off swapping with something else. As far as money is concerned, well, you'll have to decide what to do with it as well.
Store your wedding dress
While you probably won't wear your wedding dress ever again, perhaps you'll want to pass it down to future generations. Or you simply want to keep it as a way to preserve the memory of your special day. Either way, to ensure it remains in pristine condition for as long as possible, there are certain steps to take before putting the gown away. First, make sure the dress is clean before storing it. Washing it yourself isn't the wisest of decisions, especially if there are stains on it. Instead, contact a company that offers professional wedding dress cleaning services to do it for you! Once that part is over, you can store it without worrying about the stains or smells setting in. Just make sure it's kept out of direct sunlight, in a place that isn't damp.
You might want to preserve your gown for years to come, in which case it’s important to properly store your dress.
Photo by Terje Sollie via Pexels.
Return the items that aren't yours to keep
If something you'll be wearing to the wedding is borrowed, be that jewelry, accessories, or something else entirely, remember to return it after the reception. It goes without saying that the items should be given back in the exact same condition they were in prior to you using them.
''Recycle'' the flowers
Throwing away the flowers used during the ceremony isn't the answer. You absolutely can't keep all of them, either. Instead, do a good deed by gifting them to a nursing home or a hospital.
Get printed photo albums for yourself and your loved ones
Have your photos printed and arranged into beautiful photo albums that you'll give away to your family, as well as keep one for yourself. They'll serve both as precious memorabilia and as a wonderful detail to keep on your shelf. And if we are being completely honest, no digital copy of your wedding photos can beat the physical ones.
And lastly, enjoy yourself!
This post-wedding checklist definitely wouldn't be complete if we didn't mention something about you: enjoying yourself! Planning for a wedding is not an easy endeavor, and neither are the tasks that come after the reception. You'll want to take a break after the months of hard work. A good idea would be to treat yourself and your spouse to a relaxing spa day. A dinner works just as well, along with a romantic getaway. In the end, though, it's all up to you to decide!
This is a guest post. Risa James Events has no financial relationship with any companies that may be linked within.