Statistically speaking, almost half of first marriages end in divorce, of which 80% get remarried. Thanks to the commonness of second marriages, people receive the news of them pretty well and gladly attend second weddings of their friends and family. That should make you much more comfortable with planning your second marriage. Being comfortable is a critical factor in every aspect of that event. Another essential ingredient that will make your second wedding as special as the first is the intimate details that will make the whole happening unique to you. Here are some ideas you should consider when planning that special day.
Make your second wedding as special as the first and big as you feel comfortable with
You’re probably wondering whether it’s more appropriate to have a big or small wedding reception. The answer is entirely individual, as it depends on you. We have already told you that second weddings are extremely common nowadays. No such thing will be viewed as inappropriate because you have done it before. But it is of utmost importance that you feel comfortable with whatever happens that day. Does entering a huge room full of guests frighten you? Have a smaller reception, then. Do you wish for a grand wedding reception? Go for it! But make sure that your choice about the number of people you invite feels right in your head.
Be very picky when it comes to your guest list
Regarding guests, be very picky about who gets the invitation to your second wedding. There’s absolutely no reason to invite some distant aunt that feels appalled with you being divorced only because you are somewhat related. People in a room exude a specific emotion, and their positive vibes can fill the air. You want that energy around you in those moments, and you can get it only from those who genuinely cherish your happiness. Besides, life’s too short to let people with dark energy put a shadow on your shine.
To make your second wedding as special as the first, ensure you invite only people who bring positive energy to the table.
Photo by Jonathan Borba via Pexels.
Make the children from your previous marriage(s) an essential part of the ceremony
Our love for our children is indescribable, and getting them to share our special day will make that day even more remarkable. Therefore, if you and your partner have children from previous marriages or relationships, ensure your wedding is kid-friendly and that those kids have an important role. The role depends on the age of the child and on the story your wedding will be telling.
Assigning your and your partner’s children important roles for your wedding will make the event even more emotional.
Photo by Oliver Li via Pexels.
Keep the traditions you like, and cut those you don’t
Traditions are beautiful only as long as they don’t make you uncomfortable. Again, this is your day, and you should feel great during all stages. In today’s modern times, there are no traditions that you should not practice at second weddings. Those that think otherwise should not make the guest list anyway. But it is relevant which traditions you want to follow and which you would rather skip. Any choice you make is perfectly all right.
Instead of gifts, you could form a honeymoon fund
Gifts are always a tricky topic, regardless of whether it is your first or second wedding. There are many ways to deal with this issue, from having an affordable gift registry to hinting to your guests you could use cash instead. Most of the people in your situation could use extra cash. You can spend that cash well if you’re making a long-distance move in California, for example, on hiring movers. People that want to make a stress-free relocation reach out to the right people and get it all done with minimum effort. But asking for money is always seen as something done in bad taste.
But here’s an idea. How about you form a honeymoon fund? You’d save yourself from useless gifts, and everything you get would be spent on a wedding vacation. That would ensure the new chapter of your life begins in style. Your guests can choose the amount they would be giving you, which is convenient for them, too—a win-win situation.
Choose a theme to make your second wedding as special as the first
Theme weddings can make the whole event unforgettable for everyone that attends it. But, as with other items on your wedding planning list, what matters the most is that it is unforgettable for you. And since this is the celebration of your love, make it love-themed or get it to tell a story of your relationship. You could have a special video of how the two of you met and how your relationship matured to transition into a marriage. Alternatively, you could choose any theme for your wedding. The cool thing about it being a second wedding is that you probably did it all traditionally the first time. Now you can have it however you want it, without trying to humor anyone but yourselves.
The venue is important
Psychologists say that the environment affects the way people feel on a subconscious level. For instance, you perceive everything as elegant and festive when you are in an elegant location. Chaos makes people feel anxious. Therefore, a special venue will make your second wedding a one-time experience for everyone. There are lots of fantastic wedding venues to choose from. You must research and find what suits your concept for this event best.
The venue is essential as it can give the right kind of feel to your second wedding.
Photo by Asad Photo Maldives via Pexels.
Bottom line
As you’ve probably concluded, to make your second wedding as special as the first, you should dig deep into your soul and see what you want on that day. One of the perks of the new age is that events like this are popular. No wedding tradition is off limits on the second wedding, so put together a ceremony your heart desires. It wouldn’t be surprising if it were even more special than the first one.
This is a guest post. Risa James Events has no financial relationship with any companies that may be linked within.